Speaking & Signing Event – Richland Library (Columbia, SC Main Library)
Richland Library 1431 Assembly Street, Columbia, SCSPEAKER - Q & A and Signing to Follow
SPEAKER - Q & A and Signing to Follow
2018 FINER WOMAN AWARD HONOREE - Award Presentation, Reading, Q & A and Signing to Follow
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Q & A and Booksigning to Follow
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Q & A and Signing to Follow - Registration Cost - $75.00 - Includes: Swag Bag, Continental Breakfast, Lunch, and Fashion Show!
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Q & A and Signing to Follow - Saturday, May 5, 2018 - 10:30 AM - 3-Day Conference - $65.00; Saturday Only - $40.00
FEATURED AUTHOR - Q & A & Signing to Follow
Speaking & Signing Event
Speaking & Signing Event
Speaking & Signing Event - Books will be sold by Between the Lines Bookstore.
Speaking & Signing Event
Speaking & Signing Event
Speaking & Signing Event - Books will be sold by Pyramid Books.
Speaking & Signing
Speaking & Signing Event - Books will be sold by Mahogany Books.
Speaking & Signing Event
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Kimberla is the Keynote Speaker for the retreat with a Q & A and Signing to Follow - To register for the retreat, please email Ruth Bridges at avivatravel@aol.com or call (602) 441-0034. Additionally, a one-day trip...
OPENING SPEAKER & MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES - Kimberla is the Opening Speaker and Mistress of Ceremonies for the 2018 Authors' Forum, hosted by Ivy Endowment, Inc. & Alpha Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. The keynote address...
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Kimberla is the Keynote Speaker for A Purpose-Driven Woman Conference hosted by Visionary & Speaker, Felicia Shakespeare. Additionally, the power panel speakers and power network leaders include: Kesia King, Katherine Darnstadt, Shuntella Richardson, Tasha White, Lesley Etherly,...
BOOKSIGNING - Kimberla will be signing and personalizing copies of her books, including A CHRISTMAS PRAYER, so if you're still looking for the perfect holiday gift, please stop by Barbara's bookstore inside Macy's.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Leader Luncheon is the YWCA Northwestern Illinois’s primary fund-raising event. Funds from the event are used to develop and expand programming and advocacies for women and families’ economic self-sufficiency with a clear commitment to the elimination of racism...