Show Notes: Before the year 2014, no one could have told me that I would begin suffering with anxiety or that I would eventually begin having anxiety attacks—one of...
Show Notes: So, here’s the thing. Whether we believe we’re good enough or not, personally or professionally, we are who we are. We are the individual women whom God...
Show Notes: You have, of course, heard that old cliché a thousand times…you know the one that says, “Age is just a number?” But here’s the thing…that old cliché...
Show Notes: So, here’s the thing. It really is important for us to carve out some “me time” on a pretty regular basis. Why? Because for the most part…we...
Show Notes: As women, we sometimes ask ourselves if we’re good enough. Now, of course, it is true that most of us do know that God has certainly designed...
Show Notes: So, I have always believed that, as women, we have an obligation to uphold and protect our reputations. As girls, most of us were taught to have...
Show Notes: So, here’s the absolute truth: The enemy is a loser, and God wins every single time…in every single situation. Which also means that even when we lose—or...
Show Notes: As a published writer, I have made it a point to handle my business with as much integrity, decency, and diplomacy as possible. Of course, there have...
Show Notes: So, there is something I have always believed to be true, which is the fact that your childhood really will affect you for the rest of your...
Show Notes: In January 1999, when my mom’s neurosurgeon and radiologist jointly told her and me that they’d done all they could do for her, I remember feeling as...
Show Notes: So, here’s the thing…whether you’re trying to discover your purpose, start a business or start a women’s ministry of some kind—or maybe you simply just have a...
Show Notes: So, I have a question for you. “Do you compare yourself to others?” If so, you are certainly not alone, because unfortunately, comparing ourselves to others is...
Show Notes: The whole idea of not judging others can sometimes be very hard to understand—especially when people continue saying and doing some truly awful things. But as women...
Show Notes: One of the most important things women can do is support other women. This, of course, is something that should happen automatically, but sadly, support from some...
Show Notes: When I was in my twenties, my mom told me that not everyone wishes you well. But while I certainly understood what she was saying, and I...
Show Notes: As I sit remembering the reason for this holiday season and also thinking about how tough our current year has been, I am still so truly grateful...
Show Notes: So, my question for you today is…are you suffering in silence, mentally and emotionally? There is no doubt that many, many people are suffering in silence because...